segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

Wikileaks - Primeiro telegrama

Confirmada a noticia divulgada pelo UOL e postada aqui em dezembro do ano passado:

Viewing cable 09RIODEJANEIRO363

RIO DE JAN 00000363 002.2 OF 002 SEAN GOLDMAN CASE 
¶6. (C) A/S Shannon raised the Sean Goldman custody case in the context of 
Brazil's Hague Convention obligations, urging the MRE to help return Goldman to 
his father's custody. Ghisleni suggested that U.S. Members of Congress should 
avoid "inflammatory speech" in a Congressional hearing on child abductions 
scheduled for early November. According to Ghisleni, harshly-worded language 
could be a potentially negative influence on a court proceeding in Rio de Janeiro, 
to take place shortly following the hearing. 

Infelizmente, foi confirmado este telegrama pelo Wikileaks

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